An initiative supported and driven by a network of partners

In February 2017, the University of Cergy-Pontoise (UCP), ESSEC and EISTI, within ComUE Paris Seine, were laureates of the I-Site excellence initiatives (Science, Innovation, Territories, Economy) of the Future Investment Program (PIA 2).

The Future Investment Program (PIA 2), steered by the General Secretariat for Investment (SGPI), was set up by the French government to finance innovative and promising investments in the territory, in order to allow France to increase its potential for growth and jobs. Since the launch of the PIA, the French government  has thus co-financed several thousand projects to prepare for the future.

And CY Initiative is also a project supported by a network of partners involved to promote an ambitious initiative rooted in its territory.

CY Alliance

CY Cergy Paris University became in January 2020 the university carrying the site policy, and as such it took over the mission performed by the ComUE Paris Seine, which disappeared on December 31, 2019, after having fully played its role of catalyst the forces of the territory. The other schools of the site are also partner with the university in the CY Alliance. Today, 11 schools are acting together to create synergies in the region.

CY Alliance Schools

The local authorities

CY Initiative is a large-scale project that takes place in its territory and aims to form a true higher education and research center in Cergy-Pontoise and improve its visibility and attractiveness on an international scale. To support this development and the influence of the territory, CY Initiative is supported by the local authorities which are particularly invested in the development of CY Campus, the International Campus anchored locally in Cergy-Pontoise and dedicated to students.

They support CY Initiative:


The CNRS has supported the Initiative of excellence  since its inception. The CEO of the National Center for Scientific Research is in particular a member of the CY Initiative executive board. Since March 2020, the CNRS has also been a partner of the PIA SFRI @ CY and IDéES @ CY projects, associated with the CY Initiative.