3 Centers for the Acceleration of Technology and Knowledge Transfer

Technology and knowledge transfer is built around 3 Centers for the Acceleration of Technology and Knowledge Transfer (CATTS) which operate as a center of interdisciplinary initiatives that encourage and ensure the transfer at all stages of the initiative.
Each CATTS provides support and supervises a wide range of activities and programmes, ranging from research contracts to industrial PhDs, including on-demand programmes and European projects with private partners, as well as advice on business creation. They symbolize a clear and unique entry point for anyone who would like to collaborate.
Built around the 3 areas of expertise of the initiative - Risk, Security and Society; Heritage, Luxury and Arts; Business Finance & Management - these 3 CATTS are run by senior researchers with experience in technology and knowledge transfer and credibility with public and private partners. They are also recognized for their expertise on the topic of their CATTS.


The CATTS Business Finance & Management

Managed by Patricia Charlety, Professor at ESSEC, the CATTS Business Finance & Management promotes collaborative research and the transfer of knowledge and technology on decision-making in complex and uncertain economic environments. The main fields of application include finance, insurance and health.
It is based on the LabEx MME-DII recognition and its “modeling for the economy” foundation, the link with the “Finance Innovation” competitiveness cluster and with the banking and insurance sectors, as well as the visibility of ESSEC in management.

Examples of significant achievements of the CATTS:
  • Creation of a digital platform dedicated to the implementation of partnerships with socio-economic partners.
  • Exponential growth in student entrepreneurship
  • Launch of the Leading a Beauty Brand chair in partnership with Estée Lauder Companies, IFF and Nocibé (Douglas Group)
  • Launch of the ESSEC Sport Chair in partnership with Allianz France, EDF, FFBB and PSG
  • Launch of the ESSEC food chair in partnership with AXEREAL, METRO, BEL and LESAFFRE
  • Launch of the Food Chair in partnership with SANOFI, ROCHE, Mutuelle Justice, PLATO, Sandoz and MSD
  • Launch of the ESSEC Ecological Transition Chair with BNP Paribas & CapGemini
  • Launch of the Consumer law chair in partnership with ENGIE, Fnac-Darty, UFC-Que choisir, ARPP, FEVAD, FVD, FCA
Our Partners

The CATTS Risk, Security and Society

Managed by Olivier Romain, professor at CY Cergy Paris University, the CATTS Risk, Security and Society, supports the transfer of multilateral knowledge in three phases: “anticipation” (avoiding risks), “identification” (revealing risks) and “resilience ”(Adaptation to face risk). It supports the creation and the structuration of a center of excellence in security. This CATTS relies on the Judicial Pole of the National Gendarmerie in Pontoise, and a large number of major companies in the sector.

Examples of significant achievements of the CATTS:

  • CMQ Security
  • Sheltered Foundation Security
  • Security Science Research Federation
  • 5 theses dedicated to security were funded by the PJGN, SAGEM-SAFRAN, SME M2M, Morpho, the department of Val d´Oise and the agglomeration of Cergy-Pontoise
  • Several research contracts have been signed with SAGEM-SAFRAN, on the subjects of physical data segregation, error injection mechanisms, error detection algorithms and operational analysis of active components.
  • 10 doctoral contracts in progress
  • 3 chairs of excellence including 2 to be launched
  • 1 CIREX with Nexter
  • The creation of CY Forensic School to train for new professions in security and forensics
Our Partners


The CATTS Heritage, Luxury and Arts

The CATTS Heritage, Luxury and Arts supports the emergence of a complete value chain in heritage expertise combining all disciplines related to physical and intangible heritage and savoir-faire. It is based on the recognition of the LabEx Patrima and its foundation for heritage sciences, on the EquipEx Patrimex in Neuville which takes place in the “Great European Research Infrastructure E-RIHS”, as well as on a large number of partners in the cultural world, and on the “Cosmetic Valley” competitiveness cluster.

Examples of significant achievements of the CATTS:
  • CMQ Versailles
  • Senior Chair of excellence in Archeology
  • Doctorate through learning via EUR HCH
  • The creation of Culture 3D Cloud, a complete solution allowing the virtual 3D reproduction of cultural spaces from images, used in other contexts
  • VESPERA: conservation, digitalisation, and 3D modeling of fragile and difficult documentary collections in partnership with the Château de Versailles and the BNF National Archives
  • BERENSON: Robotics, anthropology and art experts laboratory in partnership with the Quai Branly Museum
  • Launch of the E-RIHS: European research infrastructure for heritage sciences,
  • Signing of a memorandum of understanding with the Chinese province of Shaanxi on the conservation and restoration of heritage and the School of Cultural Heritage of the Northwestern University of Xi'an
  • Launch of a summer school in Heritage Sciences with the sponsorship of the French Embassy in Beijing and in partnership with the Château de Versailles
Our Partners

Since 2021, the CATTS have been gathered under the flagship of CY Transfer, and includes the transversal programme of entrepreneurship, for which we have been awarded as “programme of excellence”.